
我竟然读书读到哭了。是压力让我会这样吗?我不知道,也不想知道。一直不能控制自己会去想别的东西。be strong D, push on.

Sigh. My insecurities and worries are gna get the best of me someday.


一点魔力陪我挨过着难过的早上。 (:

I don't know why exactly I will feel this way. Maybe this only gives me a fake sense of security. I don't know. I thought I'll find back myself this way, but I seem to be going further from what I hope to find.

Screwed up feelings. Screwed up life.

Maybe all I want to do is break free.

woke up to guilt eating me inside out.



Nothing to lose and everything to prove.

  • 爱像风中的风筝,有翱翔的旅程, 而被遗忘的是那些放开手的人. 不会残忍, 也不会难以割舍. 而被遗忘的是,我这放开手的人.                        

  • Everything's so warped and wrong

    Sometimes, a year is too long and I can't wait.

    it rly scares me how much I want to forget you.

    Today was a rly long day. Just ended sch. 只能用工作让自己不要想这样多。yes, I can keep doing this. 只要不去想你我什么都做。felt a weird sense of happiness, 快乐又孤单,but at least I won't think of doing stupid things that it's not me.

    When sch's over and everything has ended, I start to think of you again.

    Maybe I won't mind you finding someone who gives you comfort. I don't care what my heart tells me to do anymore. All I know is I want you to feel less hurt.

    I don't know what im doing with my life anymore. It's so scary that I'd give anything to forget you now.





    In danger of thinking too much again....